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This is a guide to making a PoorForce worker page.



No video uploads over 10 MB. We recommend hosting larger videos on YouTube.

All work must be your own.

No generic “slugs” or worker page titles. That means no setting your worker page slug/title as “video editor” or “virtual assistant”, you’re encouraged to use your name or brand name.



Step 1: Go to the register page. Register with a cool username, like your first name, if available. Usernames cannot be changed, so be sure it’s something you want forever.


Step 2: Create a new worker post.

You can go into the admin page poorforce.com/admin and on the left click “My Workers” and then “Add New”. Below is a quick link to do the same thing.



Step 3: Give the worker post a short title of just your name, then publish it. This sets the URL “slug”, like poorforce.com/w/mattyjacks


Step 4: Fill out the worker page with information like your resume, a picture of you, your hourly rate (both your high-priority hourly rate and lowest acceptable hourly rate), country, skillset, portfolio, GitHub link, LinkedIn link, etc. Publish it.


Step 5: Fill out the “Excerpt” at the bottom of the page. This is what shows up on search engines, including the on-site search engine. Make it a short summary of your skills and stuff. Publish it.


Step 6: Set the “Featured Image” on the right to a picture of you. Publish it.


Step 7: Click “Edit in Elementor” to make it super fancy. Be sure to publish it along the way.